Like many women 66+ years and over, I had a great career for 45 years. I was an optician helping people improve the quality of their life by improving their vision. I became competent and successful at dealing with people, calamities, and the dramas that every job offers.  I felt I was a vital part of the world.  I raised 2 boys as a single mom.  I had an active social and professional life and I enjoyed taking classes and learning new things on a regular basis.

It amazes me that after I retired people say things like, oh, you must really be enjoying relaxing all day. Or: I wish I could just play all day, too. Why on earth would they assume I had become a different human being overnight?  My brain has not suddenly been turned off. I will not surrender to that kind of retro thinking.

When I retired, I did not drop off the face of the earth. Yes, I could just go sit by myself in a rocking chair and watch grass grow, or binge-watch Netflix after all day, I deserved the right to do that, and some days I do just chill, but that is not the image I held of my perfect day in retirement. I did leave behind the responsibilities of a job and my reward for making it to the finish line is now I am free to use my talents and time in other purposeful ways when and how I see most fit. Now my major responsibility is to make my life into what I want it to be on my own terms.

There is still much life to be lived, goals to be achieved, new adventures to be had.  I must admit having the luxury of time I am able to appreciate life and all it has to offer like taking a leisurely walk and stopping along the way to take the time to appreciate the beautiful cherry trees that are in full bloom right now breathing in the delicate scent of the blooms. Calling a friend and having a long and meaningful conversation. What a simple joy it is to look at my library and decide on what book I will submerge myself in. No speed reading for me anymore I stop and savor the words and run the scenes of the story in my mind.  I have always enjoyed cooking and now I find I have the time to explore new recipes without being concerned about how long it will take me to prepare a daringly decadent meal. If I have a curiosity about far-off and distant places in the world or a historical figure, I will dive into research learning noteworthy facts that I can share with friends while having a 2-hour coffee date. I enrolled and just completed a course on WordPress through my local community college.  It was challenging and I must admit I was a little apprehensive as to if I had the where with all to complete the assignments and to successfully pass the final exam, but I DID IT!  And passed with a 97% score.  Oh and one of my favorite things to do……shopping on a weekday when the stores are not crowded!

I am still the outgoing, fun-loving, lifelong learner I was when I was working the 9-5 scene.  I am here to shout it out loud and clear from the rooftops, it’s my world and I belong to it, and I intend on remaining an active part of it and I might add, the world is lucky to have me.

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